Author's Guide
Manuscript: Manuscript should be submitted typed double space on A4 paper, one side only. Four copies each not exceeding 12 pages including figures and tables should be submitted. Manuscripts can also be attached as files and MS word. The paper should be typed in 12 font size using Times New Roman.
Organization of Manuscript: Manuscript should be arranged as follows: Title; Introduction; Materials and Methods; Results and Discussion; Notations (if any); Acknowledgement; References. The headings listed above should be in capital letters and left justified. Sub-headings should be in lower case but left justified and the first letter capitalized. Sub-sub headings should be in italics. All headings should be in bold font. Headings with sub-headings should be identified with numbers.
Title: It should not be more than 15 words but preferable shorter and in words usable for indexing. Multiple authors should be identified with superscripted numbers with the addresses listed according to these numbers.
Abstract: The abstract should give a brief outline of the problem, methods, results and conclusions in not more than 350 words.
Keywords: A maximum of 5 word fit for indexing is allowed as keywords.
Introduction: This should give the background of the problem both recent and past with reference to previous work done on them. It should be concluded with the objective and contribution of the work done.
Materials and Methods: In this section, papers involving experiments should present methods, experimental design and procedures. Reference to standard procedures should be presented rather than the standard procedure. This section should contain machine or equipment description, and statistical analysis if available. For theoretical analysis, the theory of the work should be presented.
Results and Discussion: Here, the results achieved should be presented in descriptive, graphical or tabular form. The ways data and these results illustrated in any of these forms describe problem areas or proffer solutions should also be discussed.
Conclusion: The summary of the solutions should be given here. The nature of the study, major results whether conclusive and recommendations for further studies should as well be briefly stated.
Notation: A list of the abbreviations and symbols used should be presented despite explaining them wherever used.
Equations: Any formula or equation used must be presented in equation editor style and numbered.
References: Only the name-date style in the text will be accepted. All cited references should be listed in alphabetical order with same authors of two or more papers published in the same year distinguished by appending alphabets to the year.
Tables and Figures: They should be numbered by Arabic numerals and their titles, typed in lower case. They should all be placed at their appropriate locations and not all at the back of the paper. Arrangements should be in order of reference.
Units: Any unit used in text, table or figures must be in International System of Units (SI) form.
Review: Three reviewers appointed by the Editor-in-Chief shall peer review each manuscript. The Editors shall thereafter collate the reviewers report to add theirs, while the Editor-in-Chief gives the final decision.
Off Print: Author(s) shall receive free of charge a copy of the journal, but additional copies will be paid for at current charges.
Charges: A processing fee of N5,000 is to be charged for any paper sent to the journal for publication. A publication fee of N15,000 is to be charged for any paper that is accepted for publication by the journal body. For any paper sent for publication from overseas, a processing fee of 10 USD is charged for any paper sent to the journal for publication, while publication fee of 50 USD is charged for any paper that is accepted for publication by the journal body.
Submission of Manuscript: Four copies of the article for publication which has not been considered or published in another journal should be sent to:
The Editor-In-Chief
Journal of Agricultural Mechanization (AGRIMECH).
National Centre for Agricultural Mechanization (NCAM)
P.M.B. 1525,
Kwara State,