Aims and Scope

The main aim of the Journal of Agricultural Mechanization (AgriMech) is to provide a medium for dissemination of high quality Technical and Scientific information emanating from from research on Engineering for Agriculture. This will encourage researchers in the area to continue to develop the cutting edge technologies for solving the numerous engineering problems facing agriculture in the World. 

The journal publishes original research papers, review articles, technical notes and book reviews in Agricultural Engineering and related subjects. Key areas covered by the journal are:

  • Processing and Storage Engineering
  • Land and Water Management Engineering
  • Farm Power and Machinery
  • Farm Structures
  • Emerging Technologies and Renewable Energy
  • Agriculture and other related fields.

The journal is published by the National Centre for Agricultural Mechanization  (NCAM), Ilorin, Kwara State. The Editorial Board wishes to make it clear that statements or views expressed in papers published in this journal are those of the authors and no responsibility is assumed for the accuracy of such statements or views. In the interest of factual recording, occassional reference to manufacturers ,trade names and proprietary products may be inevitable. No endorsement of a named product is intended nor is any criticism implied of similar products that are not mentioned.

Submission of an article for publication implies that it has not previously been published and is not being considered for publication elsewhere. The journal’s peer review policy demands that at least two reviewers give positive recommendations before the paper is accepted for publication. Prospective authors are advised to consult the Guide for Authors which is available in each volume of the journal. Four copies of the manuscript should be sent to :


The Editor-In-Chief

Journal of Agricultural Mechanization (Agrimech)

National Centre for Agricultural Mechanization (NCAM)

PMB 1525, Ilorin,

Kwara State, Nigeria.

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